

What is Communion?

Through the ordinance of communion, we as believers remember and celebrate the ministry of Jesus Christ in our lives. We celebrate together everything we are and everything we have because of what Jesus Christ did, does, and will do for us. Jesus is the focus.


The washing of feet is a celebration of the present ministry of Christ in our lives as He daily cleanses us from our sins. The theological word for this is sanctification—Christ setting us apart by transforming us into his image.

· John 13:1-17

· 1 John 1:9

As we wash the feet of another believer…

· we remember that we have a Savior who is able and willing to wash us and cleanse us from sin every day.

· we remember that just as Jesus forgives us, so we are to serve each other by forgiving each other.

Bread & Cup

The bread and cup is the celebration of the past ministry of Christ. He died on the cross to pay our sin debt. By taking the bread and the cup we give thanks (Eucharist is the Greek word for “thanks”) for the price Jesus paid to redeem us. The theological truth in focus here is justification—God declares us righteous because Jesus paid the penalty for our sin through his broken body and spilled blood.

· Matthew 26:26-29; (also in Mark 14 and Luke 22)

· 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

As we eat the bread and drink the juice…

· we remember that Jesus died in our place, taking our punishment for sin upon himself, so that we could be forgiven and enter into relationship with the Father.

· we remember that the life of Jesus is now in us. We are alive to God through Him. As partakers of His life, we are made one in Him.